Sunday, February 26, 2017

Muscular endurance

Goblet squat with kettlebell if available and resistance band at knees and knees facing slightly outward. Find the end of your comfortable range and pulse in the last 5 degrees of end range for 30 seconds or to fatigue, whichever comes first. Do 2 sets.

Pick an area of at least 4-5' in distance and walk forward and backward keeping resistance band under tension and keeping knees from diving inward. Walk as if there were a barrel between your legs. Walk until fatigue. Do 2 sets.

Move into reverse lunge position and pulse at end of comfortable range 30 seconds or to fatigue whichever comes first. Then do the same for lateral lunge. FORM! Do 2 sets of each direction.

Single leg pick ups. 10 reps X 5 second hold. Use light weight if available.

Forward T balance with resistance band at wrists. Start with a position that is achievable for hold and working towards the position pictured as balance improves. Move straight arms apart into the resistance. Hold 20 seconds each side. Do 2 sets.

Heel raises 2-3 sets to fatigue.

Standard plank 3 X 1'

Plank with hip abduction using slider or stepping out. Do 30 seconds on each side.

Plank with hip extension. 10 reps each side.

Abdomional roller. 2 sets to fatigue.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Olympic-style lifts w kettle bell or dumbbell

Olympic-style lifts

FORM is the most important thing always to keep safe from injury and to ensure maximum benefit. Activate transversus abdominus (belly button drawn inward towards spine) and assume neutral spine (maintain natural curve/lordosis) prior to and during each movement. Begin without resistance if needed to ensure proper form.

Squat: stay within your comfortable range. In the beginning, I recommend going no lower than horizontal. FORM! Use a moderate weight if available. Do 3 X 8-10 reps. If using light weight, hold each repetition 10 seconds and do 10-15 reps total.

Dead lift: FORM! Flat/neutral spine, bending at hips. Use a moderate weight if available. Do 3 X 8-10 reps. If using light weight, hold each repetition 10 seconds and do 10-15 reps total.

Reverse lunges. Moderate weight reverse walks or standing reverse. 3 X 8-10 reps. Alternate. FORM! Keep knee from diving inward. If using light weight, do 10 sec. hold.

Bent-over row: FORM! Use a moderate weight if available. Do 3 X 8-10 reps. If using light weight, hold each repetition 10 seconds and do 10-15 reps total.

One-armed clean to overhead press. FORM! Use a moderate weight if available. Do 3 X 8-10 reps. If using light weight, do 3 X 15-20+ reps

Suitcase carry. FORM! Use a moderate to heavy weight if available. If using lighter weight, do the elbow up position. You can alternate arms with each set or with each step as is most comfortable. 100 steps 3-4 sets.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Balance poses

Please perform each pose without touching down if possible. Try 30-60 seconds for each pose, flowing from one pose to the next. Then repeat on opposite side.

Tree Pose

Warrior 3


Mountain Climber: 10 second hold. 3 reps each side.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Ski Strength

Image result for leg press 
Leg Press. Press downward with both legs and return with one leg (eccentric). But stay in mid-range (80-90 degrees) and pulse up and down (2-legged to one-legged) to mimic ski position. Go until fatigue. Do 2-3 sets on each leg.

Image result for romanian deadlift
Dead Lift. To build hamstring strength and protect your ACLs. Start with a very light weight and make sure you have good FORM (back straight, hinge forward at the hips). Do 2-3 sets to fatigue.
Image result for squat exercise
Squat. Use either barbell or medicine ball held to chest in front. Instead of regular up and down, pulse in the mid-range 80-90 degrees for up to 1' or fatigue, whichever comes first. Again, this is to mimic the endurance you will need for skiing. Do 2-3 sets of 1' or fatigue. Progress as tolerated.
Image result for mountain climbers exercise
Mountain climbers. Core strength for skiing. Start slowly and progress with speed as tolerated. 30 sec X 3 sets. Progress as tolerated.

Image result for backwards walk on treadmill
Backwards walk on treadmill. Increase incline as tolerated. Then do 30 sec walking in squatted position to simulate skiing. Do 3 sets. Progress as tolerated.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lower Extremity Flexibility

Hip flexor stretch: Assume the position pictured and tuck your pelvis backward as in the posterior pelvic tilt photo below. Feel the stretch in the front of the pelvis and upper thigh of the kneeling leg. Hold 30 seconds.
ITB and hamstring stretch: Cross legs in standing and flex forward with flat back until stretch is felt. Hold 10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
 ITB stretch: Standing, cross one leg in front of the other. Feel ITB stretch in back leg. Intensify the stretch by reaching opposite arm overhead and to inside. Hold 10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
 Quad stretch: Keep legs parallel. Pull heel towards buttock to feel stretch in quad. To intensify the stretch, incorporate the posterior pelvic tilt pictured in the second image of this series. Hold 30 seconds.
 Adductor stretch: Keep back flat (neutral) and assume side lunge position. Find a gentle stretch in the straight leg. Hold 10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
 Hamstring stretch: Assume the position. Keep your back in neutral while hinging forward at the hip. Find the stretch in the back of the thigh of the straight leg. Hold 10 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
Gastroc stretch: Keep pelvis and feet facing forward, maintain the arch of your feet, and keep both feet flat on floor. Lean forward into wall. Find the stretch in the back of the leg. Hold 30 seconds.
Soleus stretch: Pelvis and feet facing forward, keep arches in feet, knees bent and lean into wall. Hold 30 seconds.

 Child's pose. 30 seconds.

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Hamstring Bridge on Ball

Soles of feet on ball. Raise up but do not exceed neutral spine. Hold up position 10 seconds. SLOWLY lower your spine segmentally. Rest 10 seconds. Repeat for 10 reps.
 Wall Sits with Ball

Lower into sit position but only in the painfree range. Make sure your knees are well behind your toes in the down position. Hold down position for 20-30 seconds. Rest an equal amount of time. Repeat 6-8 repetitions. Progress to 1 minute holds of 3 sets with equal rest.
Partial Squat with Band

Use band just above knees. (Ankle band is optional). Keep tension on the band while you partially squat down in painfree range. Hold 20-30 seconds. Equal rest period between. Repeat 6-8 repetitions. Progress with holding medicine ball in hands and by increasing hold time as tolerated.
 Reverse Lunge

Body weight until your form is good. Step backward into lunge position. Only go as low as is painfree and balanced. Be mindful to keep the forward knee from diving inward. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times on each side. Progress to using dumbbells and decreasing the hold time as weight increases.
 Sport Cord High March Running Drill

Walk into the tension until it is a challenge. Try to hold the tension while you high march. SOFT and SLOW return. Alternate as if you were running in slow motion. Repeat 3 minutes.
Dead Bug on Foam Roller

Lying on foam roller. Opposite arm and leg lift as pictured. Alternate sides for 5 seconds hold each side. Goal = keep foam roller stable. 1-3 minutes
Foam roller

Quads. Roll up and down the length of the quads as pictured for 1 minute.
 ITB for 1 minute.
Hamstrings for 1 minute.

Friday, November 22, 2013


 Marches X 10 minutes in shallow end of pool.
Then with running vest, do 10 minutes deep water marches.
Finish with 20 lengths of kickboard.
HANGS: Keep shoulder blade muscles active! Do not fully extend or hyperextend elbows. Hang 6-10 seconds. Repeat 6 reps. Progress with HOLD time as you improve. Practice with varying grips (palms forward, backward, neutral) if the option is available.
 SUPINE TRUNK ROTATIONS: Begin without weight and with feet on floor. Keep shoulders flat. Do 1 set to fatigue. Progress to position demonstrated above without weight 1-2 sets to fatigue. Then progress with medicine ball. 
BICYCLE CRUNCH: Keep neck as neutral as possible. Use hands to support neck, but avoid pulling head forward with hands. Right elbow toward left knee. Alternate and go slowly. Go to fatigue. Repeat 2-3 sets. Progress with reps and sets as tolerated.

TRUNK ROTATIONS: Begin with a light medicine ball. Progress as tolerated. Neutral spine! Belly button inward. Rotate from left to right until fatigue. Begin with 1 set to fatigue. Progress with sets as tolerated.